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Hip Replacement Surgery

The resurfacing of the bones that come together to form the hip joint is the focus of total hip replacement surgery, which aims to provide pain relief and improve hip function. Our Surgeon Dr. Sharad Gupta removes the femoral head and then inserts a prosthetic implant in its place. This artificial ball-shaped head for the femur is made of prosthetic material, and it is meant to fit snugly into the rounded cup-shaped prosthesis that will serve as the replacement socket for the pelvis. This artificial ball-shaped head for the femur is also made of prosthetic material.

A patient whose hip has been injured by a fracture, arthritis, or any other ailment may find it painful and difficult to get in and out of a chair or bed. The hip may become tight, making it difficult to do even the most basic actions, such as putting on shoes and socks. Doing basic actions like these might be difficult if this is the case.

Hip Replacement Surgery Diagram

Suppose the issue does not improve despite the patient adjusting to their lifestyle and normal activities, taking the prescribed medicine, and using walking aids. In that case, their doctor may suggest that they have hip (arthroplasty) replacement surgery. It is a risk-free therapy that reduces the patient's degree of pain, facilitates their return to normal, increases their range of motion, and enables them to once again enjoy their everyday activities.

When a person's hip is damaged, they may need surgery to have damaged tissues removed and a prosthetic joint or implant put in its place. Its purpose is to reduce severe hip pain and stiffness due to arthritis and enhance functionality.

The following implants are used in this procedure:
  • The metal (titanium or cobalt-chromium) stem is implanted into the femur (thighbone).
  • The ball, composed of metal or ceramic and often polished, is placed atop the stem.
  • The socket consists of a plastic lining and a cobalt-chrome or titanium shell.

The average lifespan of a hip replacement is between 15 and 20 years.

Total Hip Replacement Surgeons in Ghaziabad
Different kinds of surgery to replace a hip done by Dr. Sharad Gupta

There are three main kinds of hip replacements:

  • Replacement of the whole hip
  • Partially replacing the hip
  • Resurfacing the hip

The most common surgery on the hip is a total hip replacement. The doctor puts a stabilizing stem into the patient's femur during surgery. The head of the femur is replaced with a metal or ceramic alloy ball, and the natural socket of the hip joint is replaced with a strong plastic cup when old or broken hip parts are replaced with artificial ones.

Hemi hip Replacement (Hip Hemiarthroplasty): In this surgery, only the femoral head of the hip joint is removed and replaced. It doesn't replaces the cup. Most of the time, this surgery is done on older people with certain hip fractures.

Hip resurfacing: When the cartilage wears away in the hip, hip resurfacing can help ease the pain. It involves resurfacing the top and bottom of the femoral head. Most often, this is done on younger patients.

Hip Replacement Surgical Methods

There are two main approaches to hip replacement surgery: the more common "open" method, and the newer "minimally invasive" method.

Standard hip replacement

The patient is put to sleep (anaesthetized) before a standard hip replacement. The doctor cuts along the side of the hip and pulls the muscles apart to get to the hip joint. After that, the femur is cut off so that the ball part of the joint can be taken out. Afterwards, a prosthetic joint is bonded to the bone using cement or uncemented implants, allowing the residual bone to fuse with the new joint.

The doctor then takes away any damaged cartilage from the surface of the hipbone and puts the new socket on the bone. After that, the new femoral head is put into the hip socket. After putting the muscles back together, the surgeon will close the cut. A drain could be put in to help the collected blood flow out.

Hip Replacement Surgeon Dr Sharad Gupta

Hip replacement is minimally invasive surgery

In minimally invasive surgery, the doctor will make one or two cuts that are between 2 and 5 inches long. The same procedure that is done during regular hip replacement surgery can be done through these much smaller incisions. Small cuts are made to reduce the amount of blood lost during surgery, ease any pain afterwards, shorten hospital stays, make scars less visible, and speed up the healing process.

Hip replacement is minimally invasive surgery

Experience of 300+ Hip Replacement Surgeries

We at Manav hospital have done more than 300+ hip replacement surgeries in both young and elderly patients with perfect and pristine results which has helped many patients gain back the confidence for a painful movement and a happy life after surgery. If you are facing any problem with your hip joint and you think that you might require an opinion please feel free to contact our Orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Sharad Gupta.

State of the art equipment used in Procedures at Manav Hospital

  • State-of-the-art modular operation theatres with 6 HEPA filers ensure an ultraclean operating environment with zero infection rates and better recovery after surgery
  • Autoclavable mechanised battery-operated drill ensuring better precision
  • Oscillating saw battery operated for better resurfacement of bone enhancing precision
  • Ultramodern joint replacement instrumentation
  • High-definition arthroscope and camera for crystal clear visualisation of structures inside joints, enhancing perfect results
  • High-resolution c-arm imaging during operation
  • High-precision arthroscopic shaver system for better tissue handling
  • Pneumatic and shaft-operated drilling and saw systems for heavy-duty bone work
  • Digitally controlled pneumatic tourniquet to minimise blood loss
  • Sophisticated electrically controlled operation table for enhanced comfort of patient and team during surgical procedures


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